Friday, June 10, 2011

Final days of School

By Prashanth

This is going to most likely be my last post of the school year. Today the entire school WAS so quiet until the 5th graders came and started looking from the windows at us like we were caged zoo animals!!! A good part from that at lunch was I got to see my 5th grade teacher again. A few kids tried to run from their past, and I wonder why... Anyway, we only have about 9 more days of school right? So I am going to have the best last few days, then do something else I don't want a few people to know. I hope to see most of you before school ends. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hershey Park!

By Jay

I cannot explain excited, eager, waiting, and ready I am for tomorrow's trip. It will be a very long bus ride, but it will all be worth it. I have my handy dandy sack pack packed with all the goodies I am taking, and a little bit of cash. We have to wake up at 5:15 to get ready and on the buses. I just can't wait for tomorrow and as I anticipate the fun. For all you trippers, go to bed if you want to make it!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

100th day of constantly posting on SOL!!!

By Silvia

WOOHOO!!! It has been now 100 days of posting CONSTANTLY on SOL!!!
I feel proud now.......
Now all I have to do is POST ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL and I'll be titled of:
Has it really been 100 days of posting on SOL?
Time does go quickly..
Anyways, I wonder if anyone else have posted for 100 days....
Then I'll finally have competition.
But then what if THAT person get's that title?
Great.. I hope that there isn't any competition.
I would like to thank MS.S for making the SOL challenge, and I HOPE THAT YOU KEEP DOING IT TO THE FUTURE 6th GRADERS!!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


By Maeve

I think that I might have a name for my fish now...........Blink! I didn't have a lot of things that I wanted to choose from, but I chose this wisely. Whenever I am feeding him, it doesn't matter what he is doing, he will come over in the blink of an eye. It is really funny to watch, and I think that you would find it weird. I still wanted to name him that, though I might change it, I will report back if I do.

Monday, June 6, 2011


By Lili

My grandma was still a bit drowsy after she woke up from her nap. Despite her drowsiness, she got up and went to get the matches from her sewing kit and a candle from the closet. She plopped back down on her bed, lit the candle, and set it near the fringe of her curtain. She took another nap woke up and the fringe was on fire, only a little so she called for my grandpa to get the fire extinguisher, but he couldn't find it. My grandma rushed out of the room, while my grandpa went to get a wet cloth but it was too late. The room was an inferno.

I came to visit my grandma a few days later to help clean up. All of her stuff had a light coat of soot, and all of the plastic in the room melted into the form of Picasso sculptures. I looked around the room in awe, it was terrible, I was scared for how much the remodeling of the room would cost, but my grandma just told me insurance would cover everything (I don't think so).

After I helped her clean her stuff, we went back to her suite at the Marriott hotel. This hotel was one of the most well kept hotels I have ever been to.

And out of all of this I earned 7 hours of community service!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


By Riittisha

Well, as always, this weekend whizzed by. I.Am.Soooooo.Exhausted. This is like the first time I have had the TIME to post. Like, I've been able to touch the computer a couple of times, but gaah.
I woke up this morning around 11, and only had time for a quick brunch. Then, Angel's Mom picked us up, and a squished, and uncomfortable yet fun ride led us to practice for the dance. It's actually pretty cool. We use chopsticks and all that.
Well. I can't tell you what happened, because I don't even remember. My head is a fuzz, I'm doing my homework, (Hey! This is pretty good for me, because I don't usually do my homework till like, 3 more hours!) while watching episodes of Glee.
Weekend. Weekend. Weekend. I would kill for it to be Friday again. Wait.. what did I do on Friday? I can't remember anything! Ahh!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the Way

By Tasnim

 Tasnim and Riittisha were going together to Claire's birthday party. They left a little late. A bit after one. But that wouldn't have been a problem. Only thing was, they were lost.
 Tasnim's dad had NO IDEA where to go. They drove around for an hour. LITERALLY. When where the place really was was like ten minutes from Tasnim's house. They drove and drove and drove. Finally, Tasnim's dad told Tasnim to call Tania and get directions. They did, and they got to the party. Thank God! 
 As soon as Tasnim's dad pulled up to the house, everyone came out and started yelling. "YOU WERE AN HOUR LATE YOU IDIOT!" Joann yelled. She seemed pretty angry. The good thing was, though that they got there with an hour left at the party Tasnim stayed for like a long while though. YAY

Friday, June 3, 2011


By Alex

Ok so yesterday was my birthday and it was a little lazy, but I can't blame it cause that's how I am. So now I'm 12!!! I can go on the passenger(without breaking the law), and do more!!! So today I have a game and I it would be a good present and I know were gonna win!!!! We got good people and the other team................................not so much!!!! So wish me luck......................nha, I don't need it with a team like mine!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


By Bridget

Swinter. A combination of summer and winter. A word created by Phineas and Ferb. My new favorite word. Even though it is still spring, it's officially as hot as summer. Today, my cousins finally got sick of it. We made it Swinter. Not exactly, but close. We all went up to the t.vless attic, since it was the coldest floor in the house. Then, we brought up every single plug in fan, spray bottle, hand fans, ad lots more. My dad even helped by digging out the old sno-cone machine and buying some ice. Then, 2 of my cousins carried up all the ice cream and ice pops in the kitchen fridge, and stuffed them into the small fridge in the attic. Now, we just sat there, watching movies on the DVD player. According to my thermometor, the current temperature is 61 degrees F. It is getting cold, and it's awesome to eat as many ice things as we can. If the next 4 months are like this, then this will be the best summer yet.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


By Silvia

I never knew that it would go that far.
It was only a cut in the eye, but I never knew that it would go this far.

My dad got the shocking news after school today.
I felt terrified.
I didn't want to lose her.
Not now....
That's all I could say.
We didn't talk on the ride home.

Imagine almost losing your best friend.
Your companion.
Your amigo since 1st grade.
I never thought about losing her.
We even promised since the day I meet her that we won't die until we reach our life's goal.
And she hasn't reached her.

Imagine your companion going to an operation a week from now.
Imagine not seeing your friend for a whole day.
I can't even live without her for an hour.
I don't want my dog to go yet.......
not know........

She got sick at first, and we thought that she would get over.
But it didn't.
In fact, she needs an operation that can chose for her to live or die.
I can't even imagine my buddy in an operation table fighting for her life.
Not now.....

I wish that never happened.
I wish that she gets well quick.
Just don't let my dog.........see the light.

After going home, I just stare at her.
I can't imagine my little dog going to an operating table.
Please let her live...............
