Friday, March 25, 2011

I Wasn't Here Today!

By Lili

My mom quietly and politely wakes me up with a light shake of the shoulder. She says softly, "Get up, you have to be at the dentist at 9:10", I grunt back "why so earl-?". She had already left the room by the time I could finish my question. I lay in bed for 10 minutes questionable: "Do I have to go to school after this?", "Is this going to hurt?. I stumble out of bed at 7:36 to the living room where my mom is sipping coffee and watching the Today show. She told me the news of how our car alarm went off 12:00 last night, so my mom and my step-dad had to unplug something in the car so it would stop the alarm. And they did, since my mom didn't have time to plug it back in, we walked to the dentist. It took about 15-20 minutes to walk there, but really it felt like 2 hours. A brisk wind blew on my face, and I began to realize my nose was running. We had no tissues so all I could do was inhale it back into my nose. We got to the dentist with 11 minutes to spare. All I could think about was my 2 teeth getting pulled, and what the numbing shots were going to feel like. As I await pain, I watch the 2 cutest little kids I have probably ever seen. They were brother and sister, the sister was about 2 and a 1/2 feet tall with sandy brown hair and two teeth missing, she sucked on the edge of her sleeve: spit drooling on her face, but it wasn't disgusting it was quite adorable. Her brother also had brown hair but it was cut down to peach fuzz, he was about 6 inches taller than his sister, and was in fascination with his dentist office action figure. I gave a small smile to both of them and they both smiled back, it gave me a good feeling, because I love little kids and it makes me feel warm, lovable, and happy inside when they see me smile and they smile back. Before I knew it, it was time for me to get teeth pulled. I came into a room with the usual uncomfortable dentist chair. I lay down in confusion (probably because of all the blood rushing to my head). A very tall Asian guy walks in, in blue scrubs with a name tag I could hardly read. He said too calmly "Hello, Lili". Normally my doctor or dentist calls me 'Ms.' so this guy just made me feel kind of unwelcome. I nervously say hello back. The next thing I know this short blonde girl walks in with a cheerful look on her face (made me think she enjoyed the pain children get when she pulls their teeth out) but no, she asked me if I was ready and I said 'no'. She said gleefully "Well trust me, I guarantee you this won't hurt". She starts out with putting on a green pair of latex gloves. She grabs one of the shots and fills it with novacaine, I start to shake. She mumbles "open wide" and I did. she reached her hand inside my mouth and starts injecting the numbing fluid. And it hurt, not as much as I thought, but it did it felt like somebody kept poking my gums with a knife shortly and quickly. Within a few seconds I feel the novacaine kicking in, she had given me 4 shots because the roots in my teeth were both still strong. I pinch my stomach and start to groan, she had to put in a 5th. By that time I felt nothing and I began to drool (and guys it was not adorable) she came around me teeth with pliers I asked if it was done yet and she had already pulled both out. She put 2 pieces of cotton between my teeth. I jumped out of the dentist chair and ran to my mom. The dentist gave my mom a bag with instructions, my teeth, and a dentist sticker. We walk to the mall and into one of my now favorite places to eat: Panera Bread! Since I could only eat soft food I got the bacon and spinach souffle'  (it was delicious). A while after that I start to feel my tooth pain and I ask my mom if we could leave. So we left, the whole 2 and a halh miles I was moaning and groaning. The numbing had worn off and it felt like there was a long needle stuck in both of my teeth. More agonizing pain hit me and I felt as if I were going to pass out. The road looked longer and I felt shorter, we only had a block left to go. I sniffled and shook all the way home. I fell flat on the couch and took a nap. I woke up and the pain was gone.

Yes that was my day, I'm not going to get braces until I get my teeth in-plants.

Have a Frustrating Friday! :/


  1. Well, you really remembered all the details, & now that you've written it down, you will not forget it for a long while, I bet. You gave the realistic backstory, about the car problems, the little kids at the dentist, the way the doctors acted, and most importantly, we knew how you felt all the way through. Nice words, I'm glad the pain went away!

  2. Good Lili I really like all the details
