Saturday, April 30, 2011


By Joann

It's April 30th, the last day of April. I've actually been waiting for this day to come and it seems like it never would but now, here it is! FINALLY!

 I can't wait to start my Alphabiography!!! But I definetly won't stay up until midnight to post. That would just be weird for me.... VERY WEIRD. And don't you think I'm already crazy enough because I talk about squirrels, murder, cows, and ditches and unicorns and other crazy stuff that you probably wouldn't want to hear about.

Last days of the months are always weird for me because in my head I know it's the last day of the month, and if it's on a Saturday, sometimes, I think that it's really Sunday and then that I'm going to go to school the nxt day. I don't know why but I'm probably thinking that since it's the end of the month, and the new month is starting, that because it ended I have to go back to school or maybe it's just always a coincidence that I mix up the days every end of the month. I THINK NOT!

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