By Adrita
I woke up today morning and doing every thing like normal, brush my teeth, wash my face, take a shower, dry my hair, put my clothes on, and wake up my dad. My dad was unusually happy, he was all ready to go. He came up to me in a very happy tone, then I broke that tone by saying...
"What!?" I said in a very confused tone.
"Oh nothing!" He mumbled. I headed to the car outside and went to school. I went through the day as normal, doing my class work, having fun at lunch as usual nothing different. I was unaware of the date until I was in social studies, when I started writing the date a thought came up.
Today was a very important day, but what is it? I thought to myself. Then all of a sudden it hit me. I was sitting with my friends Fatima. Rania and Fiona. I blurted out
"Oh my god, today is my dad's birthday, I totally forgot."
"Oooo, you forgot your dad's birthday girl!!" exclaimed Fiona. I spent that whole day thinking of what I would do when I got home. I was in my wings class and then the bell rung, I headed straight to the office but Rachel pulled my and asked me
"Hey Adrita, would you come to community and service." I didn't want to be rude so I said yes. i went thorough the whole community and service activity thinking of what I would do if I got home. The bell rung. I went up to Mrs. E. Smith and asked
"Can I call my dad Mrs. E. Smith."
She replied
" Sure dial 9 first." I dialed the number and in my head I was saying pick up, pick up, pick. He picked up and I blurted,
"Happy birthday dad!"
" Thank you, glad you remembered!." He said in a very unsurprising tone.
" Are you going to pick me up today!"
"No your mom will!"
"Okay, bye, love you!"
"Love you too!" He hung up the phone. I gathered all my stuff and waited outside for my mom. My mom came and she had the music so high you can hear it from the parking lot to the front of the school. I made her rush all the way home and when i got their I went straight into my art supplies and started making a card.
" Get ready I'm dropping you at your dad's work so me and your dad could go get work done, okay!"My mom said. Perfect! I thought.
" Okay!" I shouted. I put on my boots and my warm north face jacket and rushed to finish the card.
"Ready!" My mom said.
"Ready!" I replied
When we got to my dad's work I hid the card and when he came up to me I shoved in his face.
"Oooo whats this a card for me!" He exclaimed. He started reading the cursive words, it read:
Dear Baba,
I'm not going to lie, but I don't want to surprise you, but I forgot you birthday this morning. When I was writing the date in social studies, I was thinking of b-days and the I was like, omg today is my dad's b-day. I'm sorry for forgetting your b-day. I love you! Happy B-day!
Love Adrita
"It's okay, this is the best gift anyone has ever given me, thank you."He smiled then we hugged
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