Tuesday, March 6, 2012


By Madeline

I am in the mood for yelling/ typing in a mad fashion today. I guess this counts as a slice of life- it IS a major part of it. So, listen up.
Most people are super interested with being "cool"/ "popular". What is Popular? Is it everyone in school wanting to be your BFF? No. Popular really is when people know you because you do Good Stuff, not ditching class, or having a boyfriend/girlfriend (and most of you sixth graders are really too young for that), or even not wearing your gym uniform. Cool isn't breaking into someone's locker, or whatever else you people do. Cool is being yourself. It doesn't matter what clique you're in, or who you hang out with. If people can't like you for being yourself, than your so called "friends" aren't that great. If you say that who you are now is "you", than sure, believe that, but I know a bunch of you and that you are really interesting, nice people on the inside.
Just deal with it. This is what it is. If you want attention, do something GOOD to get it.
If you want to tease me, sure. But know, this post is the simple truth about the majority of the sixth grade.

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