Tuesday, March 13, 2012


By Esteban

Yesterday I had three things to do for homework. I was happy because it was only three things. "Yes!" I said. So I decided to make a goal to have only two things for homework tomorrow. First period today the teacher gave homework, it was going to take a long time because it had lots of coloring you needed to do. And in second period I got homework too, but I finished it. But in third period I got more homework. My goal seemed kind of far away because I still had two more periods to go.

In lunch I did some of first period's homework, but there was still so much. I got more H/W in fifth period. But by 6th period I finished the first H/W I got, the coloring one. I ate little by little of that H/W till there was none. I also manage to finish my 3th period homework, and by the time I got home I only had two things to do for homework.

BUT than I realized that I had to do my slice of life! "No!"I said. But it did make a good story.

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