Friday, May 6, 2011

By Joann

I really want to write about my camping trip with the Girl Scouts to Maryland and we're staying for two nights and we're going to LIVE in a cabin. Well, not live but camp for two days. I've been in a glen shelter before for like 5 days and let me tell you, it was so stupid. Cabins have better beds, shelter, walls, floors and just in general, everything.

      I can't wait until Memorial Day Weekend because that's when we're going! All that I need is work gloves which I think I have although they're hidden somewhere in my garden and rope. We have rope too but it's also hidden somewhere in my garden. My mom likes to hide stuff that deals with gardening in our garden. Very obvious isn't it? And my mom loves to hide stuff from me. When it was Easter, she hid all the eggs and I couldn't find them until I thought of the flowers. Her hiding space is in the garden. ALWAYS in the garden. And so then, I found all the eggs. They were hidden in one obvious spot. Deep beneath the tulips. (Those are her favorite flowers!)

         I know what I'm going to get her for Mother's Day. A pillow I made in Home Ec Act II, and some tulips picked from our garden with a little bow tied around them and maybe some chocolates. She doesn't really eat chocolate though so I'm still thinking about another present to add to the bundle that could replace the chocolate.

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